It’s Your World

GOAL 2: ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION 2013 Fact Sheet Target 2.A: Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling Enrolment in primary education in developing regions reached … Continue reading

Skype with Nairobi

We will be holding a Skype session with the kids in Kenya Thursday, Jan. 30th 6am. When we are done chatting, Maria Swanson will give a quick presentation on Africa. Pancake breakfast and a walk to school to follow! Let … Continue reading

What can you do?

As we launch School Ties off into the world of doing good, many have asked, “What can I do?”  To get started here are three ideas…

1.  Bring School Ties to your school.  Sign up to be a School Ties Ambassador at your school or community.  This project can be taken to elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and even homes and communities.  This is an interactive project that not only fund raises for schools in need, but also provides an educational atmosphere for all people to learn more about what is going on in the world.  Email to find out more.  Check out “Our Vision” listed in the menu above to learn more.

2.  Spread the word.  Liking School Ties on social media will bring more attention to this project.  The more attention, the greater ability School Ties will have at attracting grants and sponsors.

3.  Donate!  100% of your donation goes to helping children in developing countries attend school.  Many children cannot attend class because they can not afford to pay the basic costs of school supplies.  School Ties hopes to help these children by donating all moneys received to provide school supplies at underprivileged schools.

Please email if you have any questions!